Search Mice

1. Search mouse records by Click Menu->Mouse->Search Mice or click on the toolbar.
2. In the “Search Mice” window, enter searching criteria.

1. If you select cage type(s) and user name, the mouse records without cage information (not in cage) will not return in the result.

2. The owner and project of live mice are the same as the cage they are sitting in. See Mouse Owner for detail.

3. To search by Tag number, you can use *, ? and - operators.

*: A substitute for zero or more characters.

?: A substitute for exactly one character.

-: Selects a range of data between two values.


1. Enter "*" to search all tag numbers.

2. Assume that the database contains 10 mouse records:

Tag number: 1210, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 121, 122, 123, 124

Enter "12*", return all 10 records
Enter "12?", return 121, 122, 123, 124
Enter "12?2", return 1212
Enter "1210-5", return 1210, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215
Enter "121-5", return all 10 records

4. To search mice by genotype, you can simply enter the genotype, or click "Allele" to select alleles. Two operators can be used: " , " and "< >".

, : To seperate different alleles

< >: To search for genotypes exactly matching what inside <>.


Assume that the database contains 3 mouse records:

  1. genotype: Abc+/-;Def+/-
  2. genotype: Def+/-
  3. genotype: Abc+/-;Bcd+/-;Def+/-

Enter "Def" or "D", return 1, 2, 3 (return records with genotype containing “Def” or “D”)
Enter "<Def+/->", return 2 (return records with genotype exactly the same as within “<>”)
Enter "Def,Abc", return 1, 3 (return records with genotype containing Def and Abc)

5. To seach mice by phenotypes, you need to select an owner first. You can search by tissue or by phenotype entry. Please see phenotype for detail.